Young bass prodigy turns around dad's life

If you believe in second chances, then you'll like the story inside the story about Asmar, the gifted 10-year-old bass guitar player, and his father, Asmar Johnson.

What makes this relationship so remarkable and you could argue unlikely is about how that young man and the music helped turn his dad's life around.

What does being a good father mean?

Love, the elder Asmar Johnson said. His father never showed him love.

Abandonment is real and the impact varies. But in Johnson's case, when he couldn't find love at home he turned to the streets. He said the gang life became his "father."

Johnson sees life through a different prism. How can you not? At one point in his early 30s, he had spent more time behind bars than on the outside.

It is hard not to look at him with his son, the two of them playing bass side by side, and wonder how the arc of his life may have changed if his relationship with his dad had looked more like this.

Music always tells a story. Free to experience his emotions in the open, Johnson has become a man. This is a redemption song.

He said that when he looks at his son he feels like he did a good job. Johnson said his son means everything to him and he just wants to raise little Asmar right and give him all the love in his heart.%INLINE%
