Staten Island lawmakers urge De Blasio to reopen outdoor exercise centers

The weather certainly feels like summer, but most recreational activities are still off-limits across the five boroughs. As a result, local leaders are now urging Mayor Bill de Blasio to open public golf courses, tennis courts and to even allow permits for events like outdoor yoga.

Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis of Staten Island says that in May, she sent a letter to the Mayor asking him to open public recreational facilities, saying that she doesn’t understand why Staten Islanders have to leave their borough and head upstate or to Long Island in order to enjoy outdoor activities.

“What is the public health threat of two people playing tennis, in open space. Or two or four people playing golf in open space? There really is none,” Malliotakis said. 

Assemblyman Michael Reilly, also of Staten Island, says that the borough is losing revenue by having the facilities closed. He also says that golf and tennis are critical for the mental and physical health of his constituents. 

“So many of our friends and neighbors who are seniors, this is their exercise,” Reilly said. 

FOX 5 NY reached out to the Mayor’s Office for comment but did not hear back. 


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