Pet photographer raises money for charity with glamour shoots for dogs

At a pet photo shoot in Tampa, Fla., dogs are are getting their glamour shots done for charity.

Pet photographer Adam Goldberg holds photo shoots for his clients around the country, giving them glossy magazine-quality pics of their pups. Goldberg donates most of the profits to animal charities, including animal shelters all over the country.

In fact, animal shelters are where Goldberg got his start, and where he learned how to show animals at their absolute best, to give them the greatest chance of finding a forever home.

And if Fido isn’t ready for his closeup, Goldberg does whatever it takes to get his subjects’ full attention, including holding treats, squeaking a favorite toy, or even barking and howling. It looks a little crazy, and some people might even say that taking professional headshots of dogs is a little crazy, too, but at the end of the day, it’s all for a good cause.
