Clemson University apologizes for serving Mexican food

Mexican food night was too hot for one Clemson University student to handle, and the unidentified Tiger's tweet Thursday complaining that it was insensitive was all it took to end a campus tradition.

“Maximum Mexican” night was just one of several thematic events put on by the South Carolina school's dining service throughout the academic year. But no one complained about other themes, including “Low Country BBQ Bash,” where students were invited to “pick up a plate of mighty fine fixins,” according to Campus Reform. Only the Mexican food event, at which staff wore sombreros and served up south-of-the-border cuisine, drew the condemnation of a Twitter busybody who used the hashtag #CUlturallyInsensitive.

“What's next?" Clemson senior Austin Pendergist said. "Are they going to take away all potato-based food as to not offend students from Irish descent?”

The university administration apologized in a statement, saying “We failed to live out our mission yesterday,”and calling the presentation a "flattened cultural view of Mexican culture."


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