How to build an emergency kit

During a disaster, it may be necessary for you to survive on your own for several days. Being prepared with a stockpile of emergency supplies can help you make it through the crisis until normalcy is restored.

Bomb Cyclone: What it is and where the term came from

Bomb cyclones, nor'easters, snowstorms — these terms describe severe weather events. Indeed, a bomb cyclone nor'easter snowstorm can be especially intense and potentially dangerous. Here is what you need to know.

Nor'easters in NYC area: What you need to know about severe winter weather

Nor'easters are strong storms that affect the eastern U.S., especially the tristate New York City area. Here is what you need to know to prepare for these potentially dangerous weather events, which are most intense in the winter and can bring large amounts of snow and rain to your community.

What makes a storm a nor’easter?

Not every Northeast snowstorm is a nor’easter. In fact, some nor’easters don’t even produce snow. So what makes a snowstorm a nor'easter?

Pacific tsunami warning recedes; Tonga covered by ash cloud

The tsunami threat throughout the Pacific from a huge underwater volcanic eruption has begun to recede, though the massive ash cloud covering Tonga is preventing surveillance flights from New Zealand to assess the extent of damage.

What is a tsunami and what causes them?

All coastlines around the world are vulnerable to tsunamis, so it's important to know your community's hazard and evacuation plans in case they're needed.

Out-of-town visitors still stranded in snow-struck Sierra

With snowbanks towering more than a story high and blizzard conditions making driving difficult, there are plenty of Christmas holiday travelers who haven't been able to leave the Sierra and find their way home.