Sayfullo Saipov in court

At a pretrial hearing in federal court in Manhattan on Tuesday, Sayfullo Saipov sat before Judge Vernon Broderick listening to the proceedings via an Uzbek translator on headphones. His defense team asked that his visitor log in federal prison remain private, but the judge said that due to national security an independent person from the U.S. Attorney's Office would have to approve all visitors.

U.S. attorney general talks tough on terrorism

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is promising to stay tough on terrorism. In a pre-planned visit to the U.S. Attorney's Office in Lower Manhattan, Sessions called Tuesday's attack in Tribeca a reminder of threats from terrorists. Sessions seemed to rebut comments from President Donald Trump about how the justice system handles terror suspects.

Truck attack probe

John Miller, deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism, said that Sayfullo Saipov knew exactly what he was doing when he plowed into innocent people on the West Side bike path. In fact, officials claim Saipov followed step-by-step instructions put out by ISIS on social media on how to carry out a viscous act like this one.