FBI: NYC 'Russian propaganda center' founder charged

Federal authorities accused a woman who has citizenship in both Russia and the U.S. of founding what prosecutors described as a "Russian propaganda center" in New York City using funding from the Kremlin.

Anna Netrebko out of Met Opera for supporting Vladimir Putin

Soprano Anna Netrebko withdrew from her future engagements at the Metropolitan Opera in New York rather than repudiate her support for Russian President Vladimir Putin, costing the company one of its top singers and best box-office draws.

FBI raids Russian oligarch's homes in NYC and DC

Federal agents have been carrying out "law enforcement activity" at a Washington mansion and New York City townhouse tied to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, who is a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Ransomware attacks: Biden urges Putin to crack down on cybercriminals

The White House says President Joe Biden told Russian President Vladimir Putin in a phone call that he must “take action” against cybercriminals acting in his country and that the U.S. reserves the right to “defend its people and its critical infrastructure."

US officials say Russia is spreading virus disinformation

The U.S. government has identified two suspected Russian military intelligence operatives who it believes are helping direct the spread of disinformation through websites that have published extensively on the coronavirus pandemic, American politics and international affairs.

President Trump in Europe

President Donald Trump opens his two-nation European visit expecting a warm welcome in Poland before he encounters what could be a frostier reception and thornier issues at an international summit in Germany. Trump's sit-down with Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korea's first launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile threaten to put Trump's skills as a negotiator to the test.