The Invisible Minority: Asians in New York City

One group of New Yorkers has historically considered themselves to be invisible or overlooked. And it is the more than 1.4 million Asian Americans who live in our city.

De Blasio says NYC deserves more vaccine doses

The federal rules state New York City is guaranteed roughly 40% of the state's allotment. The mayor says the city's share should be higher or should get doses directly from the feds.

Police unions blame NYC gun violence on bail reform

The NYPD's most recent 2021 statistics through March 7 reveal that shootings are up 41.8% and shooting victims have increased by 37% compared to the same period in 2020. The mayor says public safety is not just the job of law enforcement.

NYC taxi drivers call mayor's relief plan an 'insult'

Mayor Bill de Blasio and the TLC plan to use federal stimulus money for a $65 million relief fund to help financially strapped taxi drivers restructure their debt. But drivers call the plan an insult.

Mayor de Blasio outlines NYPD reforms

De Blasio released a five-point plan on reforming the police department. But neither a police union nor a reform group likes it.