Amid talk of restarting economy, virus keeps killing in NYC

Hopeful talk about getting people out of their homes and back to work in some parts of the country seems a far cry from the harsh reality in New York and its suburbs: Thousands of people infected with the coronavirus are still streaming into hospitals every day. Hundreds are still dying.

Will NYC's schools stay closed?

The question of whether New York City's schools will remain closed still hangs in the air as Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio continue to discuss the future of the city's students and teachers.

Cuomo, De Blasio at odds over closing of NYC schools

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo are at odds over whether public school sites in the 1.1 million-student district will be shuttered for the rest of the academic year to curb the coronavirus.

NYC burying coronavirus victims on Hart Island

As another day with the coronavirus death toll in New York spiking to a new record, the city is interring the bodies of victims on Hart Island’s potter’s field, normally used for people whose families cannot afford a funeral.