Amazon limiting shipments to warehouses for next 3 weeks

Amazon, in an attempt to fill its warehouses with toilet paper, hand sanitizer and other items in high demand, said Tuesday that it will limit what suppliers can send to its warehouses for the next three weeks.

Amazon driver steals UPS package

An Amazon delivery driver stole a package that was delivered earlier by UPS at a Pennsylvania home, police said.

Amazon workers go on strike on Black Friday

Union representative Orhan Akman said Amazon staff want to send a signal that their work can’t be bought with the kind of extreme discounts Amazon offers around this time of the year.

Amazon, Walmart others under gun for 1-day delivery

This year, holiday stress may take on a whole new meaning for online retailers. Amazon, Walmart and others have promised to deliver more of their orders within 24 hours of customers clicking on “Buy.”

Amazon workers describe brutal work conditions

Workers at a Staten Island Amazon fulfillment center claim they are working in brutal conditions that are more dangerous than coal mines and expected to do work at rates design for robots and not humans.