107 miles of border wall completed

Border protection authorities say a 107-mile section of border wall that spans the Yuma Sector has been finished.

Biden says border wall construction will stop if he is elected

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said that while he won’t tear down President Trump’s much-touted wall along the United States’ southern border with Mexico, he also won’t continue construction of the barrier if he’s elected president in November.

Largest yet: $1.3 billion contract awarded for border wall

Trump has promised to build 450 miles of wall along the border with Mexico by the end of the year. So far, the government has awarded millions of dollars in contracts for construction of 30-foot-tall barriers, along with new lighting, technology, and infrastructure. The Trump administration says it has already built 187 miles of wall. Some of it is new, but most is replacing old, much shorter barriers that officials say were not sufficient.

$400M border wall contract under investigation

The Defense Department's internal watchdog is investigating a $400 million border wall contract awarded to a firm that used multiple appearances on Fox News to push for the job.