VIDEO: ISIS bomb narrowly misses Sky News crew

A Sky News crew reporting in war-torn Mosul narrowly escaped death earlier this month. Video (scroll down to watch) shows a roadside bomb going off just a few feet away from a vehicle they had taken shelter in to get away from sniper fire.

Sky News Chief Correspondent Stuart Ramsay, cameraman Nathan Hale, producer Haider Kata, and security adviser Mike Mawhinney were in the vehicle. The crew is on the front lines of the fight between the Iraqi government and ISIS fighters.

"Sometimes you have to run into a front line, even though your brain is screaming 'don't go,'" Ramsay said in his report.

After the bomb goes off, the camera captures the men asking each other "You OK?" They then leave the cover of the vehicle and flee more sniper fire as Iraqi troops, some wounded, head to relative safety.

Iraqi forces have been making small gains in Mosul in recent weeks. They are trying to recapture Mosul's old quarter, from where ISIS declared its caliphate in 2014.

A U.S.-led coalition airstrike in Mosul on March 17, 2017, may have killed scores of civilians. The Pentagon is investigating the incident.