Unique art show by Georgia women
ATLANTA - A group of students hosted a walk-through gallery at their home in Atlanta's Historic West End Sunday.
The title of a local art show was "Yes ma'am!" and featured work from female artists around Georgia.
Each piece of art was created by talented Georgia women.
Visitors could check out the artwork and even purchase their favorite pieces.
All proceeds go towards the partnership against domestic violence.
The event was started by two recent Georgia College and State University graduates.
"We were like, ‘Let's not just have any old art show. Let's make a difference somehow," said Amanda Norris, art gallery organizer.
"These are two young women who took it upon themselves to do something to make a difference, and what a creative method. To get their friends to make art that's about women, about strong women moving forward and to use those proceeds to help women who so desperately need help," said Nancy Friauf, CEO, Partnership Against Domestic Violence.
Amanda Norris and Hannah Alexander moved to Atlanta earlier this year and immediately started planning the art show.
They said they are already thinking about next year's event.