Uber takes on de Blasio

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NEW YORK (AP) -- The ride-booking service Uber's app has a new feature -- and it's very critical of New York Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Riders can now choose "de Blasio's Uber." It purports to show what would happen if a plan to cap the number of Uber cars on New York's streets is adopted.

David Plouffe from Uber said Thursday that the cap could cause "wait times in Manhattan to skyrocket."

The City Council is expected to soon vote on a measure that would dramatically curtail the number of new ride-sharing vehicles.

The plan's supporters say it would ease congestion on Manhattan's streets. Uber defenders say the plan hurts free enterprise and consumer choice.

A mayoral spokesman said the "de Blasio's Uber" feature was the latest in the company's "ugly and disingenuous tactics."

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