Trump tweet-attacks New York governor and attorney general

President Donald Trump lashed out at New York's governor and attorney general Monday, accusing the Democrats of going after him in a "political Witch Hunt."

In four tweets, Trump accused Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Attorney General Letitia James of "harassing all of my New York businesses in search of anything at all they can find to make me look as bad as possible."

"It is very hard and expensive to live in New York. Governor Andrew Cuomo uses his Attorney General as a bludgeoning tool for his own purposes. They sue on everything, always in search of a crime," Trump said. "So, on top of ridiculously high taxes, my children and companies are spending a fortune on lawyers. No wonder people and businesses are fleeing New York in record numbers!"

It wasn't immediately clear what prompted the barrage, which came the day after Trump became the first sitting U.S. president to step into North Korea.

A James predecessor, Eric Schneiderman, sued the Trump Foundation a year ago last month, alleging it was improperly involved in the president's political campaign and private business affairs. Her office has continued that suit.

James is also investigating whether Trump exaggerated his wealth to obtain loans. She issued subpoenas to Deutsche Bank and Investors Bank seeking loan applications and other records related to Trump real estate projects and his failed 2014 bid to buy the Buffalo Bills.

The Trump Organization didn't immediately respond to requests for comment.

Asked about the tweets, Cuomo told reporters Trump "says the most absurd things."

"I have reduced taxes in the State of New York. If he's complaining about the tax increase, the only tax increase is the Trump tax increase," Cuomo said, referring to a change in federal tax law that reduced deductions for many New Yorkers.

Cuomo noted that James is an independently elected official, not a gubernatorial appointee.

As for her ongoing investigations, Cuomo said that if Trump "has nothing to hide he has nothing to worry about. But I think the tweet shows that his paranoia is once again getting the better of him."

James, who was not mentioned by name in Trump's tweet, referred to only as "Cuomo's A.G," responded on Twitter that her office will "follow the facts of any case, wherever they lead."

"Make no mistake: No one is above the law, not even the President," she wrote, adding "P.S. My name is Letitia James. (You can call me Tish.)."