Summer of strikes: Workers across several industries walk off the job

President Joe Biden declared himself a proud supporter of organized labor while in Philadelphia on the Labor Day holiday. 

The president's remarks come amid several ongoing strikes. From Hollywood to hospitals, workers are walking off the job and onto the picket line. 

United Auto Workers is threatening to shut down production at Detroit's big three automakers. Unions from Southwest and American Airlines have already voted in favor of a strike. 

"This is absolutely being called the summer of strikes, which is why I think most people are surprised to learn that just over 10% of the American workforce is unionized," said employment attorney Amy Feldman.

Feldman explained why she thinks we are in a unique moment for organized labor. 

"Unions now have leverage in a way that they haven't for about the past 20 years, which is the reason why they are feeling much more emboldened than they were because they've been on the decline for so long," Feldman said.

Labor shortages equate to leverage in certain industries. When UPS drivers threatened to strike, management met their demands, averting what could have been a crippling blow to our delivery dependent economy. 

"In these industries, they are heavily unionized and it's a very tight market. So right off the bat, it's not as if management can say, 'fine, you want to strike. I've got 10 more of you sending me their resume,'" Feldman said. "I think there's a lot of feeling that if management steps out of line, there will be repercussions."