Smart TV guide: How to pick the right television this holiday season
Picking the right Smart TV
FOX 5 NY's Arthur Chi'en breaks down what you need to know before making the big purchase.
You may have noticed TV sets have changed a lot, so in this 'news you can use segment' we decided to go over how many different kinds of TVs there are and talk about how each one is different.
Richard Jones knows his TVs, which is particularly helpful to have the Regional District Manager of P.C. Richard & Son walk us through the dozens and dozens of TV sets at their Upper West Side store.
It can get overwhelming, but most simplistically, on the market now there are three types of television sets. In order of age, LEDs, QLEDs, and OLEDs. Jones gives us the 101, beginning with LED TVs.
"The older sets were CRT. They were cathode ray tube, so they were huge and very deep. The LED has a much thinner TV set than we have ever had before, Jones said.
Jones then describes the next level of television sets called 'QLED's.
"Quantum is the next series up, budget wise. It takes you a step better than LEDs, giving you better contrast and get better color," Jones said.
The most game-changing of the TV sets to come to market are OLED TVs.
"With OLED you are getting a totally different picture than you’ve seen before. The TV actually looks like it’s off when the picture is not being used because the black is so black... It’s very accurate and the picture is phenomenal," Jones said.
While television sets have changed over the years, experts say how we approach buying them has not.
How big is the room? How often do you intend to watch? How much light comes to the room and how much do you expect to spend?
Those are still the key points to guide consumers to their next television set.