Wild brawl at Staten Island's Wagner High School caught on video
Wild brawl at Staten Island High School caught on camera
Video posted to social media by a city councilman showed a wild brawl erupting in the halls of a high school on Staten Island. The video is raising serious questions about safety in New York City's schools.
NEW YORK - There are growing calls for answers and questions about school safety after a wild brawl in the halls of a high school on Staten Island was caught on camera and posted to social media.
Councilman Joe Borelli tweeted out the video of the fight at Wagner High School.
The video shows school safety agents knocked to the ground as they attempt to intervene and pull students away from one another.
"I demand to know what happened at Wagner HS today and whether or not they were short of school safety agents due to the vaccine mandate? God help those agents and staff trying to intervene," Borelli tweeted.
The NYPD said a knife was found on a 14-year-old student, and no staff members were injured during the fight.
"These fights and occasional weapons do happen in NYC schools, that's not new. The new part is that we are unwilling to staff these schools with school safety agents primarily because of the vaccine mandate that went into effect just a week ago," Borelli said.
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"Violence of any kind has no place in our schools and school safety agents and school staff immediately worked to deescalate this situation and ensured no students were injured," the NYC Department of Education said In a statement. "We are working with NYPD regarding follow-up actions and appropriate consequences will be addressed."
The NYPD told FOX 5 NY that the 14-year-old was taken to the hospital and may have suffered a possible broken nose. Police say charges are pending.