Savor the flavors of Abruzzo: D’Abruzzo NYC's Italian street food delights

Whether you’re a native New Yorker or your travels bring you to Lower Manhattan, you won’t want to pass up a visit to D’Abruzzo NYC.

Tommaso Conte, founder, and chef, sets up shop every Friday at Smorgasburg on Fulton Street outside the World Trade Center.

That’s where he cooks authentic Italian street food, served under a signature orange awning since 2017.

D’Abruzzo means "from Abruzzo," a diverse region of Central Italy with towering peaks and flat, sandy beaches.

Abruzzo is also known for many culinary specialties, one of the most popular being arrosticini, which are lamb skewers barbecued to perfection.

Conte has sampled lamb from all different parts of the world but gets his product from Colorado.

It’s shipped to New York, butchered, skewered by hand, and packaged.

Then, the meat is lightly salted and grilled.

"I learned a lot from my nonna and my nonno, my grandparents. They taught me a lot about the tradition, the cultures of Abruzzo," Conte explains.

Conte aims to introduce foodies— in New York and beyond— to a hidden delicacy from his homeland and to a unique taste that they’ll treasure for the rest of their lives.


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Although many have their sights and taste buds set on arrosticini, lamb isn’t the only item on the menu.

Conte also sells chicken, beef, and pork belly skewers called spiedini.

"As soon as they take that first bite, it’s one of the proudest, happiest moments for me," Conte adds.

D’Abruzzo NYC heads to Williamsburg on Saturdays and to Prospect Park on Sundays between April and October.

If you’re craving arrosticini at other times, you can order them at to try at home.

They’re also available at local restaurants and supermarkets, including Eataly, and distributed throughout the tri-state area, Los Angeles, San Francisco, South Florida, and even Venezuela!