Rip current warnings, tips at NYC area beaches
Rip current warnings at NYC area beaches
Be careful if you head to New York City area beaches: rip current warnings are in effect. FOX 5 NY’s Reagan Medgie has the story.
NEW YORK CITY - Rip currents, not to be confused with rip tides, can be deadly.
Swimmers who drown off New York area beaches are often caught in rip currents, sometimes when lifeguards are not on duty.
Rip currents are currents of water flowing away from shore at surf beaches, according to the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration.
As dangerous as rip currents are, you can survive them. Often bathers who drown in rip currents could have escaped but instead fought the current and tired out.
Tips and tricks
If you get caught in a rip current, the first thing to do is not panic.
- Float and allow the current to take you. Rip currents are typically 50 to 100 ft. wide.
- When you are ready, swim parallel to the shoreline, never towards the beach. If you do, you’re swimming against the current, and it will tire you out.
- After a few feet of swimming parallel to the shore, start swimming diagonally, and eventually, you’ll reach land.
- If you find that you are getting tired, wave your hands and get the attention of a lifeguard.
- This is a good reminder to only swim when lifeguards are on duty.
NOAA's guidelines to survive a rip current:
- Don't fight the current. It's a natural treadmill that travels an average speed of 1-2 feet per second, but has been measured as fast as 8 feet per second—faster than an Olympic swimmer.
- Relax and float to conserve energy. Staying calm may save your life.
- Do NOT try to swim directly into to shore. Swim parallel to the shoreline until you escape the current's pull. When free from the pull of the current, swim at an angle away from the current toward shore.
- If you feel you can't reach shore, relax, face the shore, and call or wave for help. Remember: Wave and yell... swim parallel