Eugene Cernan and crewmate Harrison H. 'Jack' Schmitt (NASA photo)
During his two hour, eight minute spacewalk on June 5, 1966, Gemini IXA pilot Eugene Cernan is seen outside the spacecraft. His experience during that time showed there was still much to be learned about working in microgravity. (NASA photo)
Apollo 17 mission commander Eugene A. Cernan makes a short checkout of the Lunar Roving Vehicle during the early part of the first Apollo 17 extravehicular activity at the Taurus-Littrow landing site. (NASA photo)
On Dec. 19, 1972, the Apollo 17 crew returned to Earth. On Dec. 11, Lunar Module Pilot Harrison H. Schmitt and Commander Eugene A. Cernan, landed on the moon's Taurus-Littrow region in the Lunar Module. (NASA photo)
The crew of Apollo 10, from the left, Eugene Cernan, John Young and Thomas Stafford are photographed while at the Kennedy Space Center. In the background is the Apollo 10 space vehicle on Launch Pad 39 B. (NASA photo)
Astronaut Eugene A. Cernan, Apollo 10 lunar module pilot, is suited up at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida for a Countdown Demonstration Test during preparations for his scheduled lunar orbit mission in May 1969. (NASA photo)