NEW YORK (FOX 5 NY) - A Queens councilman is calling on all New Yorkers to tear down signs encouraging people to rat out illegal immigrants in the community.
Jimmy Van Bremer shared video on social media of himself tearing down one of the flyers on Monday.
"Saw this trash on #SkillmanAvenue during my a.m. run. Tore them up. We are a #SanctuaryCity & we need to be a sanctuary neighborhood. All Immigrants are welcome here. If you see these, feel free to take them down. Be a sanctuary neighbor. #QueensValues must trump #TrumpValues!"
The flyers were believed to be the work of a white supremacist group and have reportedly been spotted in college campuses across the country.
The signs read: "A notice to all citizens of the United States of America: It is your civic duty to report any and all illegal aliens to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. They have broken the law."
The flyers include the number for ICE.
“It was meant to send a chilling message to all immigrants and to get people to turn on their neighbors,” Van Bramer, 49, told the NY Daily News. “It’s outrageous.”