Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton have leads in their respective Texas presidential primaries, according to new polls from the Texas Tribune.
Sen. Cruz has an 8 point lead in his home state over Donald Trump, according to the Tribune/University of Texas poll that was released on Tuesday. Cruz had 37 percent and Trump had 29 percent, with Marco Rubio placing third with 15 percent in the poll of Republican primary voters.
Ohio Gov. John Kasich had 5 percent and Ben Carson had 4 percent. Cruz led among all age groups for Republicans, the poll found.
Clinton had a 10 point lead over Sen. Bernie Sanders, leading 54-44 in the Democratic race.
Clinton had a 70 to 27 advantage over Sanders among black voters and led 60 to 37 with Hispanics. Sanders had a lead with white voters, 55 to 44.
Clinton leads in every age group except one – voters 18-29, where Sanders leads 62 to 29.
The poll was conducted from Feb. 12-19. Election Day in Texas is on March 1.