Police condemn Trump for endorsing police brutality

During a speech to law enforcement on Friday, President Trump told the police not to worry about injuring suspects during arrests.

These remarks came after Trump talked about the gang violence, specifically highlighting the MS-13 gang.

Following the president’s speech, the Suffolk County police, and other police officials quickly distanced themselves from Trump’s comments, saying they don’t accept that treatment of people in custody.

“The SCPD has strict rules and procedures relating to the handling of prisoners. Violations of those rules are treated extremely seriously, as a department, we do not and will not tolerate roughing up of customers” they tweeted out.

Police chief of Gainsville, Florida, Ben Tobias, also tweeted his disagreement, “I’m a cop. I do not agree with or condone @POTUS remarks today on police brutality. Those that applauded and cheered should be ashamed.”

The International Association of Chiefs of Police on Police Use of Force sent out a statement regarding Trump’s comments, as well. “Managing use of force is one of the most difficult challenges faced by law enforcement agencies. The ability of law enforcement officers to enforce the law, protect the public, and guard their own safety, the safety of innocent bystanders, and even those suspected or apprehended for criminal activity is very challenging. For these reasons, law enforcement agencies develop policies and procedures, as well as conduct extensive training, to ensure that any use of force is carefully applied and objectively reasonable considering the situation confronted by the officers.

Law enforcement officers are trained to treat all individuals, whether they are a complainant, suspect, or defendant, with dignity and respect. This is the bedrock principle behind the concepts of procedural justice and police legitimacy.”

The Deputy Commissioner of Public information also sent out a statement Saturday afternoon saying, “The NYPD's training and policies relating to the use of force only allow for measures that are reasonable and necessary under any circumstances, including the arrest and transportation of prisoners. To suggest that police officers apply any standard in the use of force other than what is reasonable and necessary is irresponsible, unprofessional and sends the wrong message to law enforcement as well as the public.”