Parents of Maleah Davis in custody battle over her 6-year-old brother
Parents of Maleah Davis in custody battle
In the custody battle now for Bowens’ 6-year-old son, a CPS caseworker testified Bowens “is not emotionally ready to take the kids.”
HOUSTON - Jurors who will decide a custody battle are hearing about 4-year-old Maleah Davis’ death and the severe head injury she suffered before she died. It’s the trial for custody of Maleah’s older brother.
According to testimony, Maleah’s mom, Brittany Bowens, who has undergone extensive psychological assessments at the request of CPS, is in counseling and she’s asking for her mother to get custody of her 6-year-old son.
Bowens hasn’t had custody of her two sons since 4-year-old Maleah died last May and Bowens’ Fiance Derion Vince was charged.
In the custody battle now for Bowens’ 6-year-old son, a CPS caseworker testified Bowens “is not emotionally ready to take the kids.”
Bowens is asking for her son to be placed with her mother, Brenda Bowens, but the boy’s biological father, Craig Davis Jr., is seeking custody.
Bowens’attorney says Davis tested positive for marijuana last year, hasn’t consistently paid child support and should not get custody.
Davis’ attorney Julie Ketterman says he is negative for current drug use and Ketterman says Maleah suffered such a traumatic brain injury in 2018 she had to have a portion of her skull removed during the time she, her mom, her brothers and Derion Vince lived with the maternal grandmother.
That’s when CPS first became involved with the family and took custody of Maleah and her brothers for about six months. Maleah was killed about two months after CPS agreed to return Maleah to her mom.
This custody battle will continue Wednesday morning.
Brittany Bowens’ younger son with Derion Vince lives with Vince’s mom.