Parents call for increased security at NYC schools

Parents in New York City are sounding the alarm about security after an emotionally disturbed person got into a school in Queens.

On September 15, at P.S. 28 in Corona, there were reports of an intruder walking through the front door while school was in session.

"He was described as deranged and got past security, and it was alarming that someone could walk past security. Luckily, the principal subdued him and gained control and obviously stopped any kind of incident," said City Councilmember Robert Holden, who represents the district where the school is located.

According to Holden, almost two weeks ago, there were also reports of a homeless man harassing children and residents near P.S. 87 in Middle Village.

RELATED: NYC first day of school: New, expanded safety plans unveiled

Holden has been writing letters to the city's Department of Education to install buzzer systems at all schools and requiring the district to change its policy and require school main doors to be locked.

"Every parent wants their children protected," Holden said. "Locking the doors is a no-brainer."

According to the DoE, all schools are required to keep their main doors unlocked in the event of an emergency.

"All building doors are locked except the front door, which is staffed by a School Safety Agent," the Department of Education told FOX 5 NY in a statement. "We are exploring the use of technology to help fortify our schools to support all efforts to ensure the safety of our students and staff, while balancing the need to provide immediate access in emergency situations." 

The DoE also says that hundreds of safety agents will be added to schools this year. The district also rolled out a push notification system to alert parents and staff in the vent of an emergency.