4-year-old from Gaza gets treatment in NYC after bombing destroyed his home, killed entire family
STATEN ISLAND - A 4-year-old boy, Omar Abukwaik, from Gaza, is getting treatment in Staten Island after a bombing destroyed his home and killed his entire family.
Omar was the only survivor but lost his arm and suffered severe burns to his leg and throughout his body. The scars on his face are burns from shrapnel.

"Omar had a blast injury towards the left side of his face and a hole in his left eardrum," Chief of Otolaryngology Christopher Lisi said.
This resilient toddler has already undergone surgery and treatments to prepare him for his prosthetic arm.
At Richmond University Medical Center, a team of doctors and nurses have been treating Omar these past couple of weeks. In addition to examining his ear structure, and helping him cope with what he has seen.
"He was having a lot more panic attacks. At one point, developmentally regressing, but that has improved in the last one month," Medical Director for Child Outpatient Services, Nida Khan said.

Omar was rescued and brought here to the United States by the Staten Island-based nonprofit Global Medical Relief Fund, which helps children without resources who are victims of war or natural disasters.
"As a community hospital, this is what we do best. Having an opportunity to take care of this little boy is special to all of us. We need more of this in our lives. Starting to see a smile unfold on this face," President and CEO Daniel Messina said.
Omar will receive his prosthetic arm within the next few days. Right now, he’s being cared for by his paternal aunt, whose family has crossed the border to Egypt.
Omar and his aunt plan on returning to the Middle East.