NYC rat sightings on the rise

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Huge increase in NYC rat sightings

New data shows that more rats have been spotted in New York City in 2022 than in the last decade. Some blame outdoor dining for the surge in rodents.

The Big Apple is setting a record in 2022 for rat sightings.

According to new data, more rats have been spotted in 2022 alone than at any point in the last decade, with 16,000 rodents sightings reported through the end of July, up from 2,000 a year ago.  

Many are blaming outdoor dining for the surging rat population, saying the sidewalk offers free food and shelter, which serves to make the problem worse.

Opponents of outdoor dining filed a lawsuit last week, calling on local officials to scrap the outdoor dining program. 

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City Councilmembers unveil plan to fight NYC rat infestation

New York City lawmakers are taking aim at the city's growing rat problem with a five-point plan to help control the rodent population.

This February, the New York City Council voted to change zoning rules to allow outdoor dining to become permanent in the city.