NYC advocates rally for 'Sammy's Law' to make streets safer

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'Sammy's Law' supporters push for lower speed limits in NYC

A group of New Yorkers is calling for legislation that would allow the city to set its own speed limits. The bill, known as 'Sammy's Law', is named in honor of a 12-year-old boy who was killed by a speeding driver.

In a heartfelt crusade to prevent future tragedies, Amy Cohen, a tenacious mother who lost her 12-year-old son Sammy to a devastating accident, was joined by a coalition of transit advocates Thursday at City Hall to urge state and city lawmakers to pass "Sammy's Law."

The proposed legislation aims to empower the city in setting its own speed limits and protecting lives.

"We have the tools to put in place to save lives. We just need our elected officials to have the courage to demand them, to implement them," said Cohen at Thursday's rally. "We cannot wait another session to pass this no-nonsense common-sense bill."

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By shifting the authority to the city, "Sammy's Law" aims to empower local leaders to tailor speed limits according to the unique needs of their communities, ushering in a new era of safer streets.

State Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal is a co-sponsor of the bill.

"It is unacceptable that Albany is in charge of New York City's speed limits," Hoylman-Sigal said.

Since Sammy's death more than 10 years ago, 96 children have been killed in traffic accidents in New York City.

"Speeding kills more New Yorkers than drunk and distracted driving combined. Pedestrians and cyclists, particularly those in high poverty neighborhoods, face heightened vulnerability," said Elizabeth Adams of the non-profit organization Transportation Alternatives.

Sammy's law supporters want lawmakers to take it up before the session ends in Albany.