NJ shopping malls to reopen June 29 with restrictions
NJ shopping malls set to reopen on June 29
Dozens of malls across New Jersey will reopen on June 29, but under a list of requirements like face coverings and having capacity capped at 50 percent.
TRENTON, N.J. - Calling shopping malls part of New Jersey's "culture," Gov. Phil Murphy announced a plan to reopen indoor retail spaces with restrictions and safety precautions near the end of the month amid falling coronavirus cases.
"Malls are part of New Jersey culture and lure. We want these businesses to get back up and running responsibly and safely," Murphy said. "If you head out to the mall, please comply with the requirements in place."
The governor said the indoor portions of shopping malls may reopen on Monday, June 29, but with the following rules: workers and customers must wear masks, stores are limited to half-capacity, restaurants can serve take-out and outdoor dining, seating in food courts and common areas are off-limits, and movie theaters and arcades must stay closed.
New Jersey has had 168,107 lab-confirmed COVID-19 cases since March 4 through Thursday, the governor said. Coronavirus-related illness has killed 12,800 people in the state.
"We continue to be far below where we were just two weeks ago, and significantly down from our peak," Murphy said. "We've put a premium on responsibly and methodically moving ourselves into our restart and recovery, unlike states which are now just reaching their peaks."