New Yorkers embrace swearing as an authentic expression

While some New Yorkers consider swearing rude or even taboo.   

Others tell FOX 5 NY's Sharon Crowley that sometimes it's simply the best way to express feelings. Some even have favorites. Turns out bad words may not be all bad. 

Scientists did a number of studies on the benefits of profanity. One of them was published in the Archives of Physiotherapy.        

Researchers found cursing can be comforting especially when you are in pain. 

Doctor Nava Silton is a developmental psychologist. She said "I think that when people swear at times they're really being their authentic, genuine selves, they're really sharing their true feelings and I think that authenticity allows them to sometimes connect more, to sometimes perform better, and to deal better with physical and social pain. So it's not shocking to me that swearing could actually have its benefits." 

Researchers also found people who swear tend to be more intelligent. 

Silton said, "I think that someone who swears might be individuals who are not afraid to be authentic, they're not afraid to be creative and to show their true feelings and I think that kind of emotional intelligence or ability to be open could definitely relate to aspects of intelligence."  

So the next time you let your emotions get the best of you science shows it's okay to let it out even if you swear. 

Just be mindful of where you are and who you are with when you do it. 

New York