New Jersey's funny traffic signs are back this holiday season
New Jersey's funny traffic signs are back!
FOX 29's Ali Reid has the latest in New Jersey as the state brings back the most hilarious traffic signs yet!
MOORESTOWN, NJ - If you ever drive in New Jersey, you might've seen a few signs that have been popping up along major roadways featuring a play on words to remind drivers to obey the rules of the road.
Similar signs were taken down by the Federal Highway Administration this time last year after it said the signs were too distracting.
This year, some of the signs read: "Reckless drivers are worse than fruitcake" or "only Rudolph should be lit."
They’re certainly catching people’s attention.

"They are appropriate to the season, and they are cute, and they remind people don’t be a Grinch!" said Nataliece Moore.
Ultimately, drivers say it’s a helpful reminder during the busy holiday season.
"It gets your attention. It makes you think about it, rather than just stating the obvious," said Mike Matakonis.
Local officials say they’re meant to pack a punch while delivering an important message.
It was November of last year when the Federal Highway Administration said they were too distracting- and ruled to have them taken down.

This year, the Department of Transportation says they’re toning it back.
"We are being mindful of the kinds of messages we put up - that they’re not too edgy or what they consider distracting." said NJDOT Commissioner Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti, "I think we see some of our neighboring states still putting the signs up, and I feel like if we stay within those same parameters, then I think we are in a good place."
The FHWA issued the following statement in response to the resurrected signs:
"The safety of all road users is the priority. The Federal Highway Administration supports the use of changeable message signs, which are operated by state transportation departments, in conjunction with traffic safety campaigns. The nature of the specific messaging displayed on the sign is governed by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD), which sets the standards for traffic signs, signals, and markings. The MUTCD applies to all roads open to public travel in the U.S. FHWA will soon issue an updated version of the MUTCD."