New 'Geothals Bridge' sign on Staten Island Expressway spelled wrong

New Geothals Bridge sign misspelled on Staten Island Expressway. (FOX 5 NY)

Like the Verrazzano Bridge signs that have been misspelled for nearly 50 years, the new Goethals Bridge sign over the Staten Island Expressway is also misspelled. The sign transposes the 'e' and the 'o' in the name.

The sign, which also directs traffic to the Outerbridge Crossing, is located about a quarter-mile before the Richmond Avenue exit on the New Jersey-bound lanes.

The spelling error went viral online when a Facebook user posted a photo Saturday of the sign with the caption 'New sign spelled Goethals wrong great job guys.'

The Goethals Bridge is named in memory of Major General George W. Goethals, builder of the Panama Canal and the first consulting engineer of the Port Authority.

According to published reports, the sign is one of 19 new fixtures on the state’s Department of Transportation property scheduled to be replaced.

Crews recently began replacing signs for the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge after it had been missing a second 'z' for nearly 50 years.

In 2018, Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed legislation adding a second letter 'Z' to the name of the bridge between Brooklyn and Staten Island.

The price tag to replace 96 signs with the error was reportedly as much as $250,000.