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NEW YORK (FOX 5 NY) - The NYC Dept. of Transportation and Park Mobile have unveiled a new application for your mobile device that allows you to pay for parking at all of the 85,000 on-street metered spaces throughout New York City.
ParkNYC app allows consumers to add time remotely, eliminating the need to predict the length of stay or return to feed the meter.
"We are thrilled to partner with the New York City DOT to improve the lives of motorists traveling in the City by delivering easier, more convenient, and more flexible parking solutions," said Jon Ziglar, Parkmobile's CEO.
All existing forms of payment (credit and debit cards, cash, coins) will still be valid for meter use.
There is a fee when you download the app.
"We believe this should increase revenue to the City from parking fees by enabling New Yorkers to more easily pay for and then add time to the meter. As a result, ParkNYC will drive higher compliance with parking regulations and decrease the frequency of cars parking on-street past expiration of time," said Ziglar.
Registration is also available over the phone.
So far, the service is only available in midtown Manhattan, but should be throughout the five boroughs by the end of summer 2017.
Cities including Newark, Hoboken, Pittsburgh, Boston and Washington, DC offer the app service by Parkmobile.
Parking enforcement agents will be using a wireless handheld device to check for payment.