Nachos leads to shooting at convenience store

Police said a shooting at a Las Vegas convenience store started over nachos.  Surveillance video of the incident shows two men in a AM/PM store making the nachos. They then try to leave the store. That is when the clerk told them they needed pay.

According to the police report, the men told the clerk "we're gangsters who don't pay." The clerk followed them out and confronted them.

Police say that 24-year-old Anthony Gioiosa followed the clerk back into the store and shot at him.

Store manager Jamie Bandez says the "nacho robbers" fired one shot that missed the employee but the bullet is now lodged in their ATM.

Gioiosa faces burglary, assault and other weapons charges, all for a three dollar snack.  Bandez thinks Gioiosa and his friend were intoxicated.