Hidden cameras inside NYC subway cars tested to fight crime
MTA's hidden cameras in subways
The MTA is testing a surveillance program using hidden cameras inside subway cars.
NEW YORK - The MTA has some new weapons in its transit crime-fighting arsenal: surveillance cameras hidden in dozens of New York City subway cars.
NYC Transit President Richard Davey has confirmed that there are two cameras per car, installed on 65 cars to start.
If the pilot program is successful, the hidden cameras may eventually expand to the agency’s entire fleet.
Davey says the cameras will not be monitored around the clock, but are, instead, intended to be used by cops to pull evidence of incidents happening below ground.
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NYPD solo subway patrol policy changes
New York City Mayor Eric Adams is already making changes to his plan to bring back solo officer patrols in the transit system after an officer was attacked.
The initiative was launched into action shortly after the April 12 Sunset Park subway shooting that left 29 people injured.
Shooting suspect Frank James was taken into custody after a 30-hour-long manhunt.
However, the lack of security camera footage from the 36th Street Station, where the attack unfolded, has come into scrutiny.
It has also called attention to the agency’s extensive camera network, which didn’t extend to the actual train cars, themselves.
Frank James, Brooklyn subway shooting suspect, arrested
Despite his violent rampage on Tuesday, Frank James went quietly into police custody on Wednesday after being spotted wandering around the East Village.
The NYPD later said that the cameras were not working properly, allowing James to seemingly slip away undetected.
Despite the city’s attempt to add new layers of safety for commuters, straphangers are often left riding in fear.
According to New York City police, transit crime is up more than 54% this year to date.
Mayor Adams rolled out a new single patrol plan this week, where transit bureau cops would split up to cover more ground.
Subway shooting suspect indicted
Andrew Abdullah was arraigned on Wednesday on a murder and weapons indictment in connection with the shooting of a man on the subway last month. His lawyer said she wished the public wouldn't assume her client is guilty.
Officials are not revisiting that policy after an officer on solo patrol was attacked by a homeless man at Brooklyn’s Pennsylvania Avenue Station.
Two cops will now walk through every train in separate directions but stay within each other’s sight.