More car free cross-street proposals

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More car free cross-street proposals

Some city officials want to make major thoroughfares like 34th and 42nd Streets in Manhattan, car-free.

Some city officials want to expand private car bans to major thoroughfares in Manhattan.

NYC Council Speaker Corey Johnson says the temporary ban along 14th Street launched earlier this month in order to increase bus speeds has been successful.

Ridership on the M14 bus is up 15 percent on weekdays, according to the MTA.

Johnson told Good Day New York Tuesday that he'd like to see the ban on 34th Street and 42nd Street.

"I think 34th Street and 42nd Street are similar places where it's faster to walk across town some days now," said Johnson. "We're going to look and see where else we can do this."

Not everyone is happy.

Local business owners says sales are down due to the traffic ties ups along surrounding streets.