2 Minnesota turkeys pardoned by President Joe Biden
MN turkeys pardoned by Joe Biden [RAW]
Peach and Blossom, turkeys raised in Minnesota, were pardoned by President Joe Biden at the National Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation at the White House, a long-standing tradition, on Monday. The turkeys underwent rigorous tests for behavior, tolerance to crowds, and even music preferences, to ensure their readiness for the event. They'll now live out their days as agricultural ambassadors at Farm America in Minnesota.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (FOX 9) - Two turkeys named Peach and Blossom from Minnesota have been pardoned by President Joe Biden.
How the birds were selected
Peach and Blossom are from Northfield, Minnesota, and were selected for the National Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation at the White House, a long-standing tradition, which was held on Monday.
"We started 40 birds back in July, and we've been slowly preening and primping them," said John Zimmerman, National Turkey Federation Chairman.
The road to how Zimmerman picked the two best turkeys started with tests.

Two turkeys, Peach and Blossom, were pardoned by President Joe Biden on Monday. (FOX 9)
"We want birds that can handle being around large crowds of people, different people, yelling, people, screaming, people, you know, kids doing all sorts of things," said Zimmerman.
He got help with some of those tests from his son and children in the neighborhood. But Peach and Blossom’s taste of music was also tested.
"Different lighting schemes and lots of music, lots and lots of music. We've exposed them to every type of music; country, rock, patriotic music, whatever. So just to get them used to different stimuli," said Zimmerman.
Then comes the beauty pageant.
"Part two was picking out the birds that are the best looking, so making sure their feathers are perfect, and they're well-behaved," said Zimmerman.
The purpose of the tests were to make sure they could tolerate the National Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation.
President Joe Biden pardons Peach and Blossom
President Joe Biden on Monday pardoned Peach and Blossom at a ceremony at the White House. You can watch the full presentation in the player at the top of the page.
Now, the turkeys will live out their days at Farm America in Waseca, Minnesota.
MN turkeys to be pardoned at White House
Minnesota turkeys are set to be pardoned by President Joe Biden at the White House. FOX 9's Leon Purvis has more.