Mayor Adams signs executive order to find affordable housing sites

Mayor Eric Adams has signed an executive order that directs city agencies to identify city-owned properties that could potentially be used to develop affordable housing.

The initiative requires agencies such as the NYPD, FDNY, Sanitation Department, Parks Department, and the Department of Health to evaluate the land they own or operate to determine if any of it can be repurposed for housing development. 

For example, a Department of Santitation garage on Staten Island could be considered for affordable housing projects.

"If there’s any land within the city’s control that has even the remotest potential to develop affordable housing, our administration will take action," Adams said.

However, housing advocates say they are still concerned that Adams will sell the city property to developers.

"I'm pretty apprehensive, based on the Mayor's track record," said Cea Weaver, the Director of Housing Justice For All. "What he's trying to do is auction off our land to his real estate buddies."

State Senator Julia Salazar, who represents Brooklyn, told FOX 5 NY that she wants the city to be selective about who is allowed to develop the sites.

City officials expect to have a list of possible locations by early 2025.