Long Island sisters fight for father and family in Hamas captivity

Videos and photos are all Rinat and Natali have of their beloved father, Luis Norberto. They have the last text messages they received from him after Hamas terrorists barged into his kibbutz on October 7th.

"He send me they come inside the house, they broke in, they shooting everything, and he sends us kisses," Rinat said.

Luis is still believed to be held hostage along with four other family members Clara Marman, Fernando Marman, Gabriela Leimberg and Mia Leimberg.

Rinat and Natali flew to New York to bring attention to the fact that more than 240 innocent victims are still being held hostage.

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"It’s like everything stopped," Rinat said. "We don’t work. Our lives, it’s only to bring them back."

As time passes the wounds get deeper.

"I want to hug him," Natali said. "I want to kiss him."

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They wear a necklace that says their hearts are held hostage in Gaza as a reminder of this war that has brought so much pain.

"I want to believe that they are alive," Rinat said.

Right now it’s a waiting game as they pray for the best outcome and Rinat tries to be present for her children.

"I wake up in the morning after a night I didn’t sleep," she says. "I try to be there for them.  I’m not laughing. I’m not fun anymore."