Lew's View: Time for de Blasio to quit campaign and get to work

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No matter what time of day it is, you'll rarely find New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on the job.

New York City loves a winner.  Just ask the World Champion U.S. Women's Soccer Team, who was recently honored with a ticker-tape parade in the city's Canyon of Heroes.

The opposite of a winner is personified by the current New York City mayor's presidential campaign.  Registering less than zero in the polls, our delusional and often absent mayor continues to embarrass New Yorkers.

Frequent trips to the heartland to pitch his progressive platform to 15 people at a time have fallen flat.

Some New Yorkers have even reported the mayor missing and have plastered posters around the city.  What's next?  His picture on milk cartons?

The lifetime public servant is desperately searching for his next job and has essentially abandoned his post.

There is much work to be done in New York City and attention needs to be paid to many issues, including public housing, homelessness, education, and transportation.

I've chronicled and criticized the mayor's typical lackadaisical work effort in the past, but he's now taken it to the next level.

He needs to quit the campaign and get back to work.