LaGuardia Community College basketball star scores big on and off the court

Arthur Dukes, a 22-year-old sophomore at LaGuardia Community College, has dominated Division III this year, leading the NJCAA in scoring.

But even a player as good as Dukes has needed an assist off the court, once wrestling with the harsh realities of homelessness.

"My first thing was to tell my coach," Duke said.

Dukes' coach, Jarret Lockheart, immediately stepped up to help.

"He was like, ‘oh you going through this?’ Or you going through that?' He didn't even say that. He just picked up the phone," Dukes said.

Lockheart connected Dukes with Rhonda Moulton, the Director of LaGuardia CARES, to help Dukes address his issue with housing security, which he and 300 students experience each year.

Thanks to a partnership with AirBnB, they could clear a path to providing Dukes with a place to call home.

"Just opening up his mouth and asking for help was monumental influential and impactful because it allows others to see what asking for help...the power of it.  Because there's power in asking for help," Moulton said.

"I just want him to be successful obviously," said Coach Lockheart. "I want him to understand that you know when it's his time for him to give back, you know, pay it forward. Let it shine."

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