Huge fare increases could be coming to NYC taxis
Huge fare increases could be coming to NYC taxis
Add New York City taxi cabs to the list of things that are expected to become more expensive. Big fare increases are being considered by regulators.
NEW YORK - Add New York City taxi cabs to the list of things that are expected to become more expensive. Big fare increases are being considered by regulators.
The Taxi and Limousine Commission is proposing the first fare increase for drivers since 2012. They would increase the average passenger fares by about 23%.
Here are the proposals:
- The initial unit charge would be increased from $2.50 to $3.00.
- The Taxicab Improvement Surcharge and Street Hail Livery Improvement Surcharge would be increased from $0.30 to $1.00.
- The additional unit charge would be increased from $0.50 to $0.70.
- The rush hour surcharge would be increased from $1.00 to $2.50.
- The nighttime surcharge would be increased from $0.50 to $1.00.
- The taxi flat fare for trips between Manhattan and Kennedy Airport, and the SHL flat fare for trips from Manhattan to Kennedy Airport, would be increased from $52 to $65.
- The rush hour taxi and SHL flat fare surcharge for Kennedy Airport trips would be increased from $4.50 to $5.00.
- A new surcharge of $5.00 would be created for all taxi trips to and from LaGuardia Airport, and all SHL trips to LaGuardia Airport hailed outside of the Hail Exclusionary Zone.
- The taxi surcharge for all trips to Newark Airport would be increased from $17.50 to $20.00.
Cab fees and charges
If you look closely at the receipt from your cab or for-hire car ride, you'll see a lot of surcharges and fees. What are all of these add-ons?
If the fare increases are approved as proposed, regulators say driver revenue would increase by 33.3%.
The NY Taxi Worker's Alliance, which advocates for drivers said, "We've been ringing the alarm on the need for immediate action as driver incomes have been devastated by inflation and slow growth post-pandemic."
The group has been fighting for fares high enough that drivers can earn $25 an hour after expenses. They say drivers currently make $10 to $12 an hour.