(FOX NEWS) - Grieving parents in Hurt, Va. never thought they would be burying their 7-year-old son.
Kevin Bayes, Jr. was sent home from school Friday because he was vomiting and falling asleep in class, WWBT reports.
By Saturday morning, the boy’s symptoms got worse and his parents rushed him to the hospital.
"They said he had the flu and strep throat. They sent him home with amoxycilin and zofran," the boy’s father, Kevin Baynes, told WWBT.
Not even 24 hours later, the boy's parent called 911 Sunday morning after finding him unresponsive. He was pronounced dead at the hospital.
"I guess when the autopsy comes back, we'll know more," said Baynes. "I got up this morning, made some coffee, sat on the couch and just lost it again."
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