Exploring Thailand
Fitz Henley travels to the well known yet still mysterious country of Thailand. Not knowing what he'll find when he arrives, he quickly learns that the recent passing of the beloved King Bhumibol Adulyadej, lay heavy on the hearts and minds of the nation. Fitz explores the Kings reign and finds a life dedicated to the betterment of his people. Despite being one of the wealthiest monarchs in the world, King Bhumibol is best known for his work in the fields and rural areas of the country and discovering ways to help the less fortunate among his kingdom. "Jazzy", a tourism manager from the southern Provence of Kabi, tells Fitz about the king and his devoted life's work and and why his people adore him.
"Jazzy" also acquaints our "World Citizen" with an age old practice used by ancient farmers to defend their lands in a time of regional conflict. From necessity to entertainment, Fitz Henley tries his hand(s), feet, elbows, and knees, at Thailands national sport of Muay Thai. Local Muay Thai trainer "Yaya" teaches the Fitz the basics of this thousand year old martial "art". Finding out how difficult it really is. Fitz gains a new perspective about Thailand and prepares for the rest of his Thai adventure.