Expanded 9/11 Tribute Museum tells stories of those lost

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The 9/11 Tribute Museum opened a permanent exhibit space in Lower Manhattan on Tuesday. The museum has a collection of pictures of those killed on September 11, 2001, as well as personal artifacts left behind in the rubble.

Fox 5 anchor Ernie Anastos emceed the event and spoke to co-founders Lee Ielpi and Jennifer Adams-Webb. They want to give visitors an accurate history of what happened. Ielpi said the museum wants to continue educating the public to make sure the country understands 9/11. Adams-Webb said the museum brings the heart and soul of the stories of September 11 to life.

The 9/11 Tribute Museum began in 2006 but outgrew its original space. Its collection has expanded significantly and includes many personal stories of those who were directly impacted by the events of that day.

More than 4 million people have visited the museum since its humble beginnings. The families and the founders hope now that it has a permanent place in the city. It will also promote understanding and preserve these important memories.

The idea of this new space is to really dig into the personal stories of those who lost their lives on that day. Often, family members are there to give guided tours.

The 9/11 Tribute Museum is located at 92 Greenwich Street.