NYC taxi driver shot by passenger: 'I am not supposed to be alive'

A 54-year-old taxi driver and father of five surived a terrifying attck in Brooklyn when a passenger shot him in the face in Brooklyn after a dispute, according to the NYPD.

Advocates are now saying this incident highlights concerns over driver safety and calls for justice and reform in response to violent crimes against taxi and livery drivers.

What we know:

According to police, the shooting occurred early Monday morning near East 101st Street and Flatlands Avenue in Canarsie.

According to the New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers, Bee Bee Car Service driver Prince Ezenekwe picked up a passenger around 1:30 a.m. 

Shortly after the ride began, the passenger asked the 54-year-old driver to turn around so he could retrieve something he'd left at the pick-up location. When Ezenekwe suggested that the passenger walk back to the pick-up location, a dispute erupted and the situation became violent.

"He started yelling, calling me all sorts of names that I won't repeat … I didn't pay him no mind until he says, ‘Don’t let me kill you here,’" Ezenekwe said at a Monday afternoon press conference.

Fernando Mateo, Spokesman for NYSFTD, and driver Prince Ezenekwe

The passenger then stepped out of the car, pulled out a gun and shot Ezenekwe in the face. He was grazed by the bullet, narrowly missing a critical artery, according to the NYSFTD.

"I am not supposed to be alive," Ezenekwe said. "It's so scary … I haven't seen this kind of thing up close."

The shooter left the car and fled on foot. Police did not provide a description of the suspect as the manhunt continues. Ezenekwe described him as a skinny Black man who was wearing all black, about 5-foot-4-inches and in his mid-20s.

Why you should care:

According to an NYSFTD statement, Ezenekwe is a husband and father of five from Nigeria. He drives a taxi to provide for his family.

"Enough is enough. No taxi or livery driver should be hunted down like prey while simply doing their job. This is attempted murder." Steven Rivera, president of NYSFTD, said in a statement.

Fernando Mateo, spokesperson for the NYS Federation of Taxi Drivers, called for new safety measures.

"It should be illegal for anyone entering a cab to wear a mask. But more importantly — drivers, don’t pick these people up. We’ll help you fight the TLC, we’ll help you handle the summons — but your life is more important."

What you can do:

The NYSFTD is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the capture and conviction of the shooter.

The Source: This article uses information from the NYPD and New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers.

Crime and Public SafetyCanarsie