Courier messengers may make a comeback

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President-elect Donald Trump suggested a simple way to guard against potential hackers---using couriers instead of computers.

“You know, if you have something really important, write it out and have it delivered by courier, the old-fashioned way. Because I’ll tell you what: no computer is safe," said Trump.

President-elect Donald Trump gave that message to reporters at his New Year’s Eve party in Florida -- perhaps unintentionally highlighting a profession unaccustomed to mainstream-media attention.

"Every once in a while Hollywood does a movie or there's a tv show,” said Courier Kevin Bolger.

Bolger has ridden his single-speed bicycle to work for the last 25 years since 1992 when she started cycling messages for a living.

Trump's endorsement of Kevin’s trade also represented the latest example of the President-Elect's affinity for the America of 20-plus years ago -- when Stallone movies dominated the box office, Trump tower joined the New York City skyline, and Trump wrote "The Art of the Deal,” and in a city where the fastest vehicle to send a document traveled was on two-legged powered wheels.

Riding for Cycle-Hawk, Kevin transports packages from business-to-business for architects, fashion agencies, banks, and other companies.

While he opted not to discuss his personal politics, Kevin agreed with Trump -- If a sender is worried about cyber-security, dispatching an analog message via a two-wheeled courier may represent the most secure option.

“You want to work with people you trust to move things that are important to you,” said Bolger.

While smartphones and the internet may have ended the age of the bike courier in smaller, hillier cities in New York, Kevin said his industry is still a healthy one.

An endorsement from the President-elect should only help business.