City moves to authorize wider cargo bikes for deliveries, without expanding bike lanes
Extra large cargo e-bikes in bike lanes?
The city may approve 4-wheel cargo e-bikes. FOX 5 NY’s Arthur Chi’en has the details.
NEW YORK CITY - In a city where every lane of traffic seems to be spoken for, a big change is heading our way.
On Monday the city's transportation department announced it is authorizing four-wheeled 4-foot-wide pedal assist e-bikes that resemble the shape of mini trucks.
The city DOT says the pilot program for the wider cargo bikes has been a success.
Staging areas set up helped make deliveries greener while reducing the reliance on trucks which intern makes street safer and reduces traffic.
NYC DOT to tow bikes parked for more than 7 days
The NYC DOT is going to implement a new policy to tow bikes that are parked for more than a week.
But even as the city moves to make wider, 4-wheeled cargo bikes a regular part of deliveries, the city has not been enforcing rules when it comes to fully-throttle e-bikes and scooters.
FOX 5 has aired multiple reports of the devices, speeding down sidewalks, running red lights, going the wrong way against traffic and riding in bike lanes - which fully motorized vehicles are not allowed to be in.
While the group, Transportation Alternatives, hails the new delivery bikes, they also say the city needs to immediately take steps to widen bike lanes.
MTA fare hikes in effect on tunnels, bridges. How much will tolls increase?
The existing toll discount program for the Rockaways Broad Channel and Staten Island residents using the Verrazano Bridge will remain in effect.
"If you look at the bike lanes in Chelsea, those are double wide bike lanes. Those are doing really well. You can pass each other. You could pass larger vehicles like this." Alexa Sledge of Transportation Alternatives said.
As of Monday, the city opened a 30-day public comment period, so New Yorkers can write in and let the city know what they think about the proposal.
A public hearing will be held virtually on September 13.