City council proposes dog waste bag dispensers on NYC trash cans

The City Council has proposed a new bill to install dog waste bag dispensers on city trash cans. 

City councilmember Julie Menin is hoping to help those who aren't as prepared.

"I introduced a bill into the sanitation committee that would require the Department of Sanitation to provide dog waste bags on every single litter basket in New York City," Menin said.

Menin wants the city to cover the costs of lining 23,000 litter baskets with those bags, which is good news for Laine and her pup Duke, since she's just nine months into her life as a dog mom.

FOX 5 NY's Kendall Green asked Laine if she admitted to leaving the bag or is she really good about it? Laine said she is "really good about it, but sometimes I do run out of them when we're outside." 

Another dog owner, Tahia, keeps some essentials around to ensure that her dog, King, doesn't leave anything unpleasant around.

"I always remember to get them, and actually I have an extra one just in case we run out. I always clean up after him," Tahia said.

"It's not going to be a huge cost to literally put dog waste bags on litter baskets. I would argue it is far cheaper if we actually make it more accessible for dog owners to have access to bags," Menin said.

Though its unclear just how much the measure if passed will cost city taxpayers. Pet owners are so far in support of the bill.

"I like the idea. I think it will keep the park clean and safe," a pet owner said.

Pets and AnimalsNew York City